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"Not so Great White"
Photoshop Illustration

"Really Great White"
Photoshop Illustration

Underwater Race
Photoshop Illustration
For Mattel

Fantasy Squid
Photoshop Illustration

Fantasy Nautilus
Photoshop Illustration

Gnomon DVD Demo Creature
Photoshop Illustration

Creature From the.....
Image done for a magazine (Imagine FX) to show a process

Sketch for the above

"To Protect and Serve it up"
Photoshop Illustration

Photoshop Illustration

"Thinkin' Hard"
Photoshop Illustration

Photoshop Illustration

Photoshop Illustration

"New Horizons"
Z Brush with Photoshop

Z Brush


Photoshop Illustration

Sculpt of Scorpion King
Roma Clay, Cast in Resin, Paint by Tim Gore, 11" long

Sculpt of Scorpion King
Roma Clay, Cast in Resin, Paint by Tim Gore, 11" long

Roma clay, Cast in resin, Paint by Tim Gore, 20" tall

Quick Thums of Rhino

14x17 sketch, Black Prisma on Beinfeng Marker Layout

14x17 sketch, Black Prisma on Beinfeng Marker Layout

Car-niverous plant
Photoshop Illustration
For Mattel

Tree Huggar Anatomy
14x17 sketch, Black Prisma on Beinfeng Marker Layout

Tree Huggar
Sculpted in WED Clay, Cast in Resin, Paint by Tim Gore

Wildebeest concept

Photoshop Rendering

Variation of above

Cow sketch practice

Scrotal Speed

Sketches of a tree dwelling creature

Head concepts

Sculpture done in Sculpy- Painted by Tim Gore

Photoshop manipulation

Rough sketch of alien horse

Final Sketch

Z Brush model with post Photoshop work